Treatment Options And Foods That Help Manage Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation, or Afib, is a form of arrhythmia that gives rise to an exceedingly rapid and irregular heartbeat. The ramifications of this ailment can be quite serious, as it may result in a lack of coordination between the atria and ventricles. In turn, this can lead to blood pooling within the heart’s chambers, potentially triggering the formation of blood clots, strokes, or even heart failure. Afib is commonly seen in those with heart valve disorders, but other risk factors include sleep apnea, high blood pressure, obesity, having undergone the TAVR procedure, and more. While Afib can manifest intermittently for some, it can persist chronically for others. The best way to protect yourself is to wear an ECG/EKG monitor to detect when your heart rate is getting too high. Additionally, there are treatments such as the pacemaker implant to help your heart beat properly. With the recommendation of a monitor or the pacemaker implant, your doctor may also recommend a change in diet. Here are a few foods that help to manage Afib: 1. Fruits and vegetables A diet loaded with fruits and vegetables can help to decrease obesity and high blood pressure, both of which are risk factors of Afib.