Natural Treatments for Facial Wrinkles
As we age, the skin naturally becomes thinner and loses elasticity. As a result frown and smile lines, crows feet, and wrinkles may form. Facial wrinkles are impacted by several factors including heredity, environmental factors (exposure to sun and pollution), facial expressions (i.e., smiling, frowning, raising the eyebrows), and smoking, which speeds up the aging process and damages skin collagen. Fine lines and winkles can start as early as in your 20s, depending on lifestyle choices and heredity.
Yet there are several ways to help reduce and prevent fine lines and wrinkles:
1. Wash your face
Washing your face is an important step to keeping wrinkles at bay. Cleaning your face at night removes all the makeup, dirt, makeup, oil and pollution that build up on your skin’s surface during the day. If you leave your makeup on while you sleep it gets absorbed into your skin and can lead to skin damage and wrinkles.
2. Wear sunscreen
Too many years of too much exposure to the sun can cause wrinkles and age spots on your skin. Ultraviolet rays of light cause damage to the fibers in your skin. Although UVA ray damage is irreversible it is important to try to prevent further damage to your skin. Sunscreen is proven to help delay wrinkles and provide long-term benefits to your skin. Sunscreen should not only be worn when you go to the pool or beach; you should use a daily moisturizer with sun protection factor (SPF) of more than 30 even in the winter.
3. Quit smoking
Smoking speeds up the aging process of your skin accelerating the occurrence of wrinkles. And the more cigarettes you smoke and the longer you smoke, the more skin wrinkling you will experience at a younger age.
4. Limit your sugar intake
Eating a lot of foods with sugar can increase the number of wrinkles that you have on your skin. Sugar damages collagen and elastin which leads to sagging and wrinkles. According to the American Academy of Dermatology you should try to eat foods that are high in vitamin C and linoleic acid. You should also choose foods that are low in carbohydrates and fat.
5. Use coconut oil
Coconut oil hydrates the skin and has natural antibacterial properties. Coconut oil can be used as an effective moisturizer on your skin.
6. Beta carotene diet
Beta carotene is an antioxidant that converts to vitamin A and is an important element to your skin’s health. Maintain a diet of foods high in beta carotene. These include carrots, romaine lettuce, sweet potatoes, squash, cantaloupe, peas, dark leafy greens (kale, spinach), red and yellow peppers, broccoli, and apricots. A beta carotene rich diet has been shown to prevent skin damage and help maintain healthy skin.