Lifestyle Changes for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Multiple sclerosis (MS) has the potential to completely disable the person with the grueling symptoms of this disease. MS attacks your brain and spinal cord, which in return can cause an individual to lose mobile functioning and the ability to think clearly with normal everyday activities. To help alleviate symptoms, but not diminish them, you can exercise regularly, eat healthy, avoid stress, quit smoking, and stay away from high-temperature areas.
Below you will find a brief list of how you can help with MS with simple lifestyle changes:
1. Exercise regularly
By exercising on a regular basis, you will help stretch out your spinal cords and all your limbs to try and maintain healthy stability with your body motions. When you are exercising, it is important to remember to stretch properly first as you are at high risk for strains within your muscles and joints.
2. Healthy diet
Eating healthy should always be a goal in your life, but when you have MS brain lesions and are on Multiple Sclerosis medications, it is very crucial. Foods to add to your diet with MS treatment are fruit, wild-caught fish, grass-fed meats, and vegetables.
3. Avoiding stress
As the MS brain disease already adds stress and tension to your life, it is ideal that you avoid stressful situations if possible. By remaining stress-free, you will help eliminate stress tensioning in your body as well as your brain. Keeping a clear mind with MS brain lesions is very important and by decreasing stressful events around you, you can help alleviate some of the mental symptoms that you are experiencing
4. Stay away from heat
With MS brain disease, heat can severely worsen the symptoms you are experiencing. Therefore, on the hot summer days, it is imperative that you use AC or a fan to keep cool at all times. Not doing so could potentially result in massive headaches, body cramps, and the inability for your body to move and function properly. If at any moment, you feel your symptoms becoming worse from high temperatures, try going back inside, using ice packs, or even taking a cool shower to lower your body temperature as quickly as possible.
5. Quit smoking
Once you are diagnosed with MS and put on Multiple Sclerosis medications, it is crucial that you quit smoking immediately. Smoking will actually progress the disease and cause your symptoms and body to worse a lot faster than if you quit smoking all tobacco products. To get help with quitting smoking on MS, all you have to do is reach out to your physician on how to stop and what steps to take.
Taking these steps to help alleviate the symptoms you are experiencing is a great way to reduce the amount of pain you are going through on a daily basis. Whether you change your diet, start exercising, or quit smoking, it is important to remember that you are not only easing your pain, but you are also helping to slow the progressive of this disease. These above-mentioned tips are meant to be used in conjunction with doctor approved drugs and therapies.