Tips to Avoid Credit Card Debt
In order to attain a secure financial future, you need to avoid debt of any kind, but most people end up risking their financial stability by landing into credit card debt. Credit card debt is one of the easiest to get into, but it can also be avoided. If you use a credit card properly, it can help build your credit ratings, but improper usage could also land you in a pile of debt. To make things easier for you, here are the top five tips to avoid credit card debt:
- Do not charge what you cannot afford
It is important to remember that a credit card is more of a necessity than a luxury. So, the expenditures that you make on it should also be curtailed to just emergency expenses. Do not spend your money on luxuries like branded items that you would otherwise be unable to afford on the cash in your checking account. So, if your savings cannot pay for it, skip on buying that new iPhone and stick to using your current one. - Do not carry dues for longer than six months
It is also important to not let your balances add up beyond 6 months as the interest charges can go overboard. One of the best tips to avoid credit card debt is to pay off your balance in full each month. If you are unable to do so, set a deadline to finish off the balance within six months and devote a part of your paycheck to doing so, even if it means cutting down on your spending habits elsewhere. - Do not choose the wrong reward card
A reward card might sound interesting when you first hear about the offer, but you need to ensure that it’s what you really need. Else, these cards can cost you more as you might forget to focus on the high fees that do not justify the reward point system. For instance, if you barely travel, a travel rewards card is of no use to you even if it offers an amazing reward program. You would do better with a regular credit card that does not charge an annual fee. - Do not charge purchases for food on credit cards
A simple yet effective tip from the experts is to avoid using credit cards for things that may not last until your bill comes. Food expenditure may seem minor, but it can also add up, so use cash to spend on eating out and groceries. This way, you can forget about these charges and do not need to itemize them in your monthly credit card bill. - Set your own limits
It is advised to start off each month with a budget so that you do not go overboard with your expenses. Note down all the reasons for which you used your credit card in the previous months and check the list for the ones that can be omitted in the current month. This tip helps you in consciously eliminating unnecessary purchases and avoiding credit card debt.